
Adhyaropa: The Art of Seeing Beyond Superimpositions 🧘🏼‍♂️

How Vedanta Teaches Us to See the Truth Behind Illusions

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Today, we dive into a profound concept from Vedanta, one of the six schools of Indian philosophy: Adhyaropa—or superimposition. This idea holds a mirror to our daily lives, revealing how often we mistake illusions for reality.

To make this philosophical gem relatable, I’ll share a story, draw connections to everyday life, and provide a simple DIY practice to help you embrace this wisdom.

The Snake That Wasn’t There 🐍

Imagine a 17-year-old boy walking home through a dark forest. The streetlights are out, the moon is hiding, and shadows rule the path. As he steps forward, he notices something on the ground—it looks like a snake!

Fear grips him. Thoughts race: Should I run? Fight? Climb a tree? His body reacts—heart pounding, palms sweating, breath quickening.

Suddenly, the streetlight flickers back on.

It’s not a snake at all. It’s a rope.

In that instant, his fear dissolves. The snake was never real—it was a superimposition. The boy's mind had projected the illusion of a snake onto the rope.

What’s Adhyaropa Got to Do With You? 🤔

Vedanta tells us that much of what we perceive is like that snake. We often superimpose our fears, expectations, and judgments onto situations, people, and even ourselves.

For example:

  • The “Human” Lamppost: Walking down a dark street, you see a figure standing still. Your heart races as you imagine danger. But as you get closer, it’s just a lamppost.

  • The Ocean and Its Waves 🌊: When we look at the ocean, we see waves rising and falling. But waves are not the ocean; they’re a temporary expression of it. Similarly, our emotions and thoughts are temporary ripples on the vast ocean of consciousness.

The Three States of Consciousness 🧠

Vedanta explains that consciousness experiences three states:

  1. Waking State: When you identify with your body and mind.

  2. Dream State: When your consciousness associates with your mind, leaving the body behind.

  3. Deep Sleep: When consciousness remains, but awareness of body and mind fades.

In all these states, the true you—pure consciousness—is temporarily superimposed with something else, like waves on the ocean.

DIY Practice: Turning on the Light of Awareness 💡

Let’s make this practical! Here’s a simple meditation exercise to dissolve superimpositions:

  1. Find a Quiet Space: Sit comfortably. Close your eyes.

  2. Focus on the Breath: Breathe in deeply, feeling your chest rise. Breathe out, letting go of tension.

  3. Observe Your Thoughts: Notice any fears, judgments, or assumptions that arise. Label them gently as “thoughts.”

  4. Ask Yourself:

    • Is this thought or emotion like the snake?

    • Am I mistaking a rope for a snake?

  5. Anchor in Reality: Bring your attention to the present moment. Feel your body, hear the sounds around you, and remember that you are the observer of these waves—not the waves themselves.

  6. Repeat Daily: Just 5–10 minutes a day can bring clarity and peace.

Shifting from Fear to Freedom 🌅

Like the boy who discovered the rope, awareness transforms fear into freedom. When we realize the body, mind, and emotions are temporary waves superimposed on the infinite ocean of consciousness, we stop reacting to every ripple.

Next time you feel overwhelmed, remember: The ocean is not the waves, and you are not your fears. You are the vast, serene consciousness beneath it all.

Closing Reflection ✨

Vedanta offers us tools to see beyond illusions. By practicing awareness and understanding Adhyaropa, we can live with less fear and more freedom.

So, turn on the light of awareness in your life. 🌟 What illusions are you ready to dissolve today?

Let me know your thoughts in the comments or hit reply to share your experience. 🙏

Stay free, stay infinite,
Kabir Aman Juneja

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